You can send pgmetrics reports to pgDash regularly, to let pgDash extract and store metrics from those reports.
Typically, you’ll collect the metrics from all important/interesting/related databases from one server in one go, storing it under one name:
Avoiding Password Prompt
Running in an automated manner naturally requires avoiding the password prompt that pgmetrics brings up by default. You can use the --no-password
option of pgmetrics to suppress this prompt, then setup alternate ways to authenticate. Using .pgpass files to supply the password and/or configuring your pg_hba.conf file to not require password for a particular host/user/database combination are common options.
For more information see pgmetrics invocation options and client autentication chapter in the Postgres docs.
Collecting and Reporting Metrics Periodically
How often you collect and report metrics depends on your database activity. We recommend a frequency of 5 minutes or so. The pgDash API is rate limited so that you have to wait a minimum of 60 seconds before reporting again -- the pgdash CLI will report an error code 429 if your request was rejected because of rate limit.
You can run the command above (“pgmetrics | pgdash”) as a cron job, or use a simple script:
If you're using a cron job with an interval of one minute, remember that it may a few seconds for the job to complete. This might result in the job being invoked again before 60 seconds are up and may result in a rate-limit.
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